Our Vision
IIC Holdings wishes to unlock shareholder value by investing in companies and projects to realise significant returns and positively add value for our shareholders. Every potential investment is carefully analysed and selected by our team of experts to ensure a profitable and low-risk decision is being made on what companies and projects to support. We pride ourselves on being able to benefit communities all over the world with our allocation of funds on top of providing our shareholders with the best opportunities for success.
Investment Portfolio

The story
Under the guidance of a highly respected former JP Morgan Vice President, founder Yoyo Chang was inspired to pursue a career in financial services. From the age of 13, he developed a keen insight into the way that global markets thrive and change, which can be seen in his participation in the IFS UK Junior investment competition. During the competition, he managed to realise returns of 80% in under 3 months at the age of 17, leading his team to place 1st in the country for a substantial period of time. Now he stands, a confident investor, intent on backing profitable and progressive investments to ensure maximum reward with minimum risk. It is as a result of this drive and passion that IIC Holdings exist.
Our Services
Capital Markets
IIC Holdings’ aims to deliver the best possible results for our shareholders by frequently interacting and analysing the Global Capital Markets for the best investment opportunities. We carefully manage assets to ensure that the shares they trade are picked to align with the customers needs whether they be for short or long term profit.
Private Equity
We look to pursue success in private equity through both venture capital and leveraged buyouts investments. This gives us the opportunity to: invest in innovative startups for long-term gains, build strong relationships with the companies we choose to support and become affiliated with the changes that they go on to make.
Investment Consultancy
As a financial Company, we can also provide you with the experience and expertise we have in the field via consultancy over your own funds. This way we are able to give you both the working knowledge and as much control as you wish for over your investment.
Contact Us
24-28 St Leonard Road, Unit 42, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3BB, United Kingdom
Contact Us
24-28 St Leonard Road, Unit 42, Windsor, Berkshire, SL4 3BB, United Kingdom